My bike ride

by Stuart 24. October 2009 11:53

I want to start cycling back into work asap as I’m getting fatter by the day, more stressed, more skint and less fit.  So today I went on a quick ride.

Realised straight away how rapidly fitness – I set off up the Antrim road and was out of breath within about 2 minutes.  Then down through the valley park and along the Ulster way through Braden park.  This was a lovely path next to a river then down onto the cycle path through Gideon's green.


Braden park in autumn 004

Braden park path – bit worried about slipping on the leaves.

Swans at entrance to Gideon's Green
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Rainclouds across the Lough Looks like night time but is the middle of the day

Up the cycle path towards Belfast was hard work.  Maybe I should have headed the gale force winds.  Then back up to the Antrim road for Fortwiliam.  Tiring.


Finally decided to walk up our hill as its steep!

007Never really done much leisure cycling – usually either commuting or out with wife and kids.  Enjoyed it despite the usual NI whether.

Back was a bit stiff after so I did my extensions.  Reckon I’ll be fine for trip to work on Monday back wise.

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Not the top gear website but one nothing like it. 

Been through a few "what this is" and now settled on my (Stuart McLean's) general blog - mainly about cycling but occasionally anything else chucked in.

I also occasionally write some technical stuff which you can find here.

You can follow me on twitter @stuartm9999.

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