Same bag but different

by Stuart 26. May 2012 15:31

Some years ago (about 14 or so) when I was commuting by bike between Manchester and Stockport (about 5 miles or so each way) I bought some panniers.  I can’t remember the make but they lasted about a month.

A cycling colleague suggested I look a Ortlieb as he used them for touring.  So I bought myself an Ortlieb office bag direct from Germany. 

Cost about £60 – which at the time I thought was very expensive.

It lasted 12 years of very regular use.  Fell on it a couple of times, loaded it with everything – sometimes 2 laptops, it never leaked and never let me down.

Finally last month one of the fasteners gave up completely so I bought a new one – from wiggle - the same.  Price was now £94.50.


Well actually not the same – they’ve made it better in all the places the old one failed!

Bag features

This is a big bag!  It takes loads of stuff and has some handy pockets.  A widescreen laptop will fit in.  I often carry a laptop, change of clothes, lunch, shoes and various papers.


It fixes to a rack by clips that open when you lift the bag as they are attached to the carry handle.  Works great.


I believe you can also get a system with a mount permanently on the rack and less gubins on the bag.  (QL3)

Has a nice padded shoulder strap and a carry handle.

That’s about all you can say about a bag really.

What they’ve fixed

Typically German, great engineering made better.

Closing fasteners

these both broke over time and the one on the left meant the bag could no longer close (although I’m sure I could have replaced it).


On the new bag they seem to have been re-designed:


The carry handle

One of the press studs broke after about 10 years.  The new bag has a plastic handle.




Carry strap

Much improved padding



Better re-enforcement and feet.


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Cycling | panniers | commuting by bike

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