More driving license woes.

by Stuart 16. November 2012 10:02

My quest for a Northern Ireland driving license continues!


Dear Sir,

Following my letter dated 05/11/2012, I am happy to inform you that I have now received a Northern Ireland driving license (driver no xxxxxxx) from DVA.

Regrettably, upon examination, this license was found to be missing some of my driving entitlements.

I contacted DVA and they examined the D737 from DVLA and informed me that the categories were missing from the D737.

I contacted DVLA and they have confirmed that the D737 issued was in error and they have issued a corrected D737.

For your records, I have enclosed copies of

1) Correspondence to DVA,

2) New D737 entitlement for exchange purposes.

I am now awaiting a corrected license from DVA.

Thank you for your ongoing patience.

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rant | life

The Monday Off Rule

by Stuart 20. July 2012 05:18

“After a weeks holiday, always take the Monday off as you get three extra days holiday for the price of one.”


I heard this but it wasn’t until later in the day it struck me how wise it was. 

When you finish on a Friday you’re on holiday, but the last weekend of a holiday is just the weekend as you’re back to work on Monday.  But if you take the Monday off, you’re still on holiday!

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Not the top gear website but one nothing like it. 

Been through a few "what this is" and now settled on my (Stuart McLean's) general blog - mainly about cycling but occasionally anything else chucked in.

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