Martin’s beer reviews

by Stuart 8. January 2010 11:48

I’m re publishing Martin’s beer reviews from the old site as a blog.

Chang - Thai Tastyness.

Chang Bottle

Sometimes you need a smooth dark relaxing beer - this is it. Pour it, sit it next to your Red Curry, stick your feet up infront of the Grand Prix and enjoy.

This isn't a quoffing beer - its too heavy for that - it's got a punch like a silk boxing glove - dark, heavy and soothing.

Drink a couple, enjoy, then stop or move on.



Madras Anyone?

Kingfisher Bottle

Now, do you drink a Kingfisher or a Cobra? Imagine a TOWCers race between a souped up Corsa and a souped up (original) Mini. Ones a loud chav the others got a sense of style and class; but they're botha bit fast and loose.

Kingfishers the Corsa; a bit light and fizzy but a top curry companion. A clean crisp taste and a tangy bite.

Finish the curry and move on, however.

Here me Roar

Tiger Bottle

Like a van driver at a lorry park, this ones a bit odd.

Curry or Chinese?

Worked it out yet?


Stuff some down and enjoy; love and clean, bit of bite and excellent on a hot day.


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